Monday, November 24, 2014

WEEK #68
Well as you can still tell I am loving my time here in Castellón. There are so many good things happening, but also the adversary is working hard here. We have seen some great miracles though and I really can't wait for Christmas!!! It's going to be so fun! Maria Laura and I haven't made cookies yet, but we will. (Maria Laura sent a Facebook message asking for a cookie recipe).  She loves talking to you mom. She said you guys are now best friends haha. She's cute though and she helps us a lot. We will send pictures when we make the cookies! 
Hermana Solos and I are doing great. Shes a hard worker and every night she says that she is learning a whole new side of missionary work that she didnt know existed. So that makes me feel special. She is crazy and fun and we are always laughing. As for staying skinny...I  have no idea how I pulled that off. I mean my body is definitely soft now haha but I've managed to keep from getting big. It's been the biggest miracle on my mission, just kidding. But I think the Lord knows that I don't have money or time to buy new clothes so he let me stay small enough to fit into my clothes still.

That is insane how many people from the ward are getting home and leaving! The Alamo ward is rocking the mission world! That's what I like to hear! Im so excited for all of them! It's the best decision they could have made at this time in their lives! Tell them that they have my full support and I'm here to answer any questions as well that they might have! 

Well of course I have to include a miracle from the week. This week is a miracle named Jonathan. So Jonathan, I think I wrote about last week. He is crazy.  He though, has  had one of the biggest changes I have ever seen. When I met him three months ago, he was going to parties every night and was no where near living a life of purpose. When we talked to him this past  Saturday, he brought a box of all his earrings and gave them to us as a sign that he really has changed. It was so funny.  The best part though was when I asked him what made him change. He looked at me and said, "YOU". Then he went on to say that he remembers about two months ago when we were talking to him and I apparently was pretty strong in my words. I told him that he said he wanted a different life, but wasn't doing anything about it. I also told him that when he's serious to call us because I'm not going to waste any more of  my time or the Lords time. I said that if he really wanted to be a good dad for his daughter, he needed to start now, not in 10 years. And apparently I said  a lot more. The truth is I really don't remember all of that, but he said that it really hit him and made him realize that his life had no meaning. He said in that moment he started to change and since that day he hasn't drank even one beer. He said sometimes you just need someone to tell you how it is and for me that someone was hermana Barker. It was a really sweet moment for me. AND I KNEW that one day my sassy and strong personality would do some good for someone haha. But he is getting baptized in December and it is gonig to be a very special baptism for me.

Sorry that was kinda long. As you can tell though, I have taken Castellón by storm and I am not backing down to anyone. Hermana Solos just backs me up with her power and so we are a pretty good team. We have met a lot of good people and are still meeting more. I know that good things are just around the corner. Oh also, yesterday Marius passed the sacrament for the first time!! It was great to see that. It really made me happy to see how much he has grown and how much he still is growing. 

Well love you all. Soon enough I will be looking at your faces over skype!!! It's really weird to think that we are already planning for December in our planning sessions. I can't even believe it! The time is just flying by! Well have a great week full of love and happiness!!!

Con Amor,
Hermana Barker

ps what do you put in the normal box brownies...i still have a bag of them but I don't have the directions to make them haha

Our new capilla (chapel)

This is one of the cities in our area, right on the beach.

This is for you mom, I know how you love sheep!

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