Tuesday, December 9, 2014

No transfer! I Will Finish My Mission in Castellon. YEA!

WEEK #71
You definitely said right...this week FLEW by!! I can't even begin to describe how I'm feeling about being in my last transfer. The truth is it doesn't feel any different. I am just working hard and I'm still the same missionary. The only difference is that every person keeps saying "wow you're almost done"...as if I didn't know that!  It's okay though because it's CHRISTMAS!!! They finally turned the lights on in the streets and everything is all ready for Christmas. It's great!!! Really though I'm freaking out that I only have 6 weeks left. If it goes any faster than this last 6 weeks then I may just crawl under a rock.
This is Sarah, she just moved to England this week.  I was super sad

This week was good though. We had a lot of good lessons and Jonathan came to church!! He has his interview tomorrow and his baptism on Thursday. Let's just pray all goes well. It's been a long and tough 4 months with him, but so worth it. His change has been inspiring. He's incredible and so ready to make these changes in his life. It's been incredible to watch him choose to change. And it's also been incredible how the gospel has impacted his life. He is going to be a great member I just know it.

Truth is I can't even really remember what happened this week.  It's all going into a blur. Today we went to a castle for the last hurrah as a district. It's kinda been weird because Elder Westfall and I have been in the same district for the last 8 months...almost half my mission. It was definitely weird to see him get on the train. Now we have a trio of Elders so we will see how that goes as well.

We threw a baby shower (I bet you've seen pictures already) for Maria Laura's mom on Friday night. It was super fun! Not many people came, but we played games and I know she appreciated it. Also we had stake conference in Valencia and I got to see so many people again! It was awesome. And you better believe I've already made plans with a bunch of them. Get ready to eat a lot and hear a lot of different accents!!! I'm SO EXCITED for you to meet all my Spain family from the last year and a half of my life. There  are some amazing people here.

Well I don't really have much else for you. But I'm happy and healthy and ready to work! Ill see you in 42 days! 

Con amor,
hermana Barker

ps I wanted to share something from an email I got from President Pace this last week. This was a response to my weekly email that I sent him:

"Of all the things in your list for which you are grateful, this one really hit me: "Overall, I am grateful to be Hermana Barker."

You should be grateful to be Hermana Barker! You are terrific and it is good that you are comfortable with who you are... comfortable in your own skin, so to speak. That is a great way to be. Not arrogant, but at peace. I like it, and I really like serving with you in El Faro."

Mom and Dad, my Christmas package was delivered!  (the last package we sent sat in the mission home for 4 weeks before someone brought it to her)

On P-day we went exploring an old castle

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