and that mom is sitting there waiting for me! I cant wait!!!!
I'm glad you fed the missionaries. It really is nice to get a break from the missionary life and eat with members. 
Thank you for doing that. I know they appreciate it as well. What is the name of the Elder from Rexburg? I bet they
are learning a lot in Oakland! I can only imagine how different it is for both of them!

Thank you for all the kind words for Rosemary. She is doing great! She and Manuel are progressing so much. They 

are super excited for Christmas!  They have invited all the missionaries from our ward (6), the obispo and his wife, 

some menos activos, our investigators, and some neighbors! It's going to be a party for sure! The only thing we 
have to bring are brownies. Brownies are a real prize here. They love them. The thing is the brownies are no where 
near good as the boxed brownies from Safeway. If only they knew. 
The ward party was a lot of fun. Of course the real party didn't start until after we left. (Rachel and her companion 
ward Christmas party)  Everyone participated. The obispo was very pleased so that's always a good thing. We had 
to leave at 10 of course, but we found out the next day that everyone stayed until 3 in the morning!! My ward knows 
how to party!  They said they danced and sang and had a great time. If only I weren't a 
missionary for that night haah. 
This week has been a little boring because hermana Alatorre was sick. we spent a lot of time in piso and I spenta 
lot of time studying and reading the scriptures.  It's a blessing and a curse to be stuck in piso all day!
We had intercambios this week so hermana Rhodes came to spend a day with me. She is awesome!  We didn't 
have a lot going on in terms of citas, so we went caroling. We found 3 new investigators from it! The only problem 
is we haven't had time to visit them because we've been stuck in piso....It's aweful. haha but intercambios was 
good. It gave me a fresh start again.

Random side South America it's rude to smell the food. I found that out last night when I smelled 
something that Manuel made before I ate it. He was not happy with me. But it's all good  because are best 
friends. So just so everyone knows...DONT SMELL THE FOOD! 

Tay I'm so happy for you and your blessing! It sounds like it was beautiful! I knew it would be. You have a heart 
and spirit of gold. Make sure to read it often. I try to read mine at least once a week. It is great way to remember 
your worth as a child of God. 
(For more information on a Patiarchal Blessing click here
Well since I get to talk to you on Wednesday, I guess theres not much else to say!  This week is going to be so fun 

and I really am so excited! I love eating with the members! They are awesome.
Remember that this is a time to celebrate Christ and all He has done for us. Luke 2:14That is my scripture to all 
around the world! Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

Con Amor!
Hermana Barker

Feliz Navidad!