Monday, September 29, 2014

WEEK #61
 This whole baby waiting thing is really going to kill me....I almost freak out every Monday morning because there could be a baby picture waiting for me. My companion is going to get sick of me saying "maybe today!"  But I hope he comes soon so Kel can relax again and gain her strength back...of course he's a fighter though. just like his momma :)

Well as for Castellón, it's going. It's been raining SUPER hard here lately so of course no one goes outside...just the crazy missionaries who get soaked and try to talk to people in the rain...yea that's me! But it's been good because they have needed rain here as well. How is California? Any rain at all lately?

It sounds like all is well with everyone in California. I can't believe how fast time is going by. It feels like it was just summer in Tarragona. And yes Hermana Wallace and I are definitely a short companionship, as in height.  It's funny though because she is shorter than me! finally!  The only problem is that neither of us can reach some things in our piso. But we have stools so we get by. 

Speaking of piso...we're moving! Our president gave us permission to move closer to the church and our area. We found a nice little piso about 10 minutes from the church (instead of 45). It'll be nice once we move and don't have to walk so far...especially if the rain continues. I think we will move in this week. That means no more cucarachas either!! YAY!

Also this week I had a great experience. Like you said mom it's really lucky that I have been able to go back and see some people from Valencia. I really think that it was inspired to come back here to help Rosmary and Manuel. I also have been able to talk to Sara. She was a girl from the ward with anorexia and after I left she stopped going to church. I talked to her a few weeks ago and I just heard that she has been going to church for the past month. The Lord really does know what we need and then provides the means for that to happen.   I am so grateful to have had the chance to come back and help these people. 

The great experience though was with a man named Santiago. When Hermana Walker and I were together, in December of 2013, our Bishop told us to pass by Santiago and his family who hadn't gone to church in a year. We passed by and to be honest I don't really remember much of what happened (probably because I didn't understand them since I was still new). But before I left Valencia they were coming back to church and to the activities and all. I didn't realize how much of an impact we made though until this week. On Tuesday we were in Valencia for a district meeting and Santiago walked into the church. When he saw me he almost started crying and just squeezed my hand. He looked me in the eye and said "you saved me". Then he went around to all the missionaries that were there and told them Hermana Walker and I were the ones who saved him. It was a super spiritual moment. He is now the president of the young men organization and he has helped 4 youth come back to church and start preparing for their missions. It was incredible!!! He said his little girl reminds me of the missionary who can't eat strawberries because of her weird tongue (Rachel's tongue gets huge red welts on it when she eats strawberries). It was so cute. At that moment I realized that we really never know how much just a friendly smile and love can change not just one, but many lives. It was an experience I will never forget. And one that helped build my testimony a lot. 

We also had a miracle last night. We were in the church for choir practice and a woman and her niece came in to see the church. They live next door and have seen the church but have never found it open. They just wanted to look and they said there was a sweet spirit there. She said she was going to come on Sunday for conference so we are crossing our fingers!

The work is going stong here in Castellón. I don't know if I said this last week, but the closer I get to being done, the more my desire grows to help the people. Time on the mission (and in life in general) is precious. Time is something you can't get back and I have realized that I have wasted some time on the mission and I want to try my hardest to not waste anymore. A boy named Diego just left on his mission this week to Argentina and my advice to him was to take every moment and every person like it was a precious gift. Enjoy every moment and be yourself because YOU are who people need. 

I hope you are all happy and doing well...Kelli give me a nephew soon please!  and keep staying strong. Mark keep being an example. Tay and Court love you both. Dad and mom miss and love you and I am so grateful for your words of encouragement always. They really do mean the world to me. you have no idea how much your simple statements help me get through the tough times.

Hermana Barker

ps It's funny mom that you said I look more Spaniard now. I have gotten a lot of people lately  asking where I'm from. They all think that I'm from Europe somewhere. They are never shocked when I tell them I have Italian's come in handy lately...I'm being grateful for my roots!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

WEEK #60

Still no baby?? What is this?? haha just kiddin I just am getting sooo excited and I can't hold it in anymore! 

I hope all is well. I can't believe we are almost in October...the time is flying by! So about htis was quite the week that's for sure. So my new companion is Hermana Wallace. She is from Uruguay but she lived in New Jersey for 7 years. She now lives in northern Spain with her mom. She is fun and full of energy. This last week though was a struggle because she was supposed to come in on Tuesday but she got sick and couldn't travel until Thursday afternoon.
Hermana Barker, Hermana Wallace and the Mambo brothers.  The Mambos were a family in Rachels Valencia ward.

That means that I was in Valencia all week. It was fun because I got to visit Manuel and Rosmary and see some of the Mambos! Manuel and Rosmery freaked out. I love seeing them so much! They did tell me though that I am uglier...because I'm skinnier and darker. They thought I was cuter when I was fatter and whiter...the logic behind that I don't understand. But I'm not surprised to hear something like that coming from their mouths haha. 
Manuel and Rosemary, Rachels very first baptism over a year ago in Valencia.  Rachel is very fortunate that she has had the opportunity to see them again while still on her mission.

It was also hard because that meant that we didn't get to work in our area almost all week. To say the least, we lacked a lot in Castellón this week. It's okay though becuase we can just work harder this week. 

The other bad thing was that I only packed enough clothes for a day...whcih means yes, I wore the same thing for two days in a row!! GROSS! So as for the not smelling so bad because I have new deodorant...yea not so much ahah. But sacrifice brings blessings right? haha

As for the area, we have a lot going on, but we are in the process also of finding new investigators. That's always what happens after baptisms...we have to start looking again because we spent all our time on the progressing investigators...but Carlos is helping us out a lot and he has remembered a lot of old investigators that now have more time to work with us. Its great. We are really seeing miracles. The members are helping a lot. For the last three weeks we have had members bring friends to church so thats a great blessing. And we have rain! Just like california, it hasn't rained here either lately so they have all been praying for rain. It's raining right now as we speak...but not very much. 

Well not much else is going on. Every time I look at a calendar it freaks me out becuase the time is just flying by! I can't even grasp that I have three transfers left...AHHHH!!! what I think is going to happen is that I am going to leave at the end of this transfer and finish my last area with two one really knows though. I guess all the surprises of transfers was waiting til the end of my mission!

Love you all and I can't wait for the little baby to get here...I better get pictures and videos of everything!! I dont care if it takes me an hour to look at them all!! haha and I hope Kel is feeling better. Love and miss you and here are some pictures from the last few weeks...sorry for the postpone.

Gianella's and Helen's baptism.
Our mini district before Hermana Durham was transferred.  

Hermana Barker

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

WEEK #59
Transfers. Well right now I'm sitting with Rita. She's my companion today because Hermana Durham left early this morning. My new companion Hermana Wallace was supposed to get in this morning but she's sick and can't travel. I am hoping that she will be able to come tomorrow or I will be in Valencia for a few days. She has one transfer less than me and she's from Spain but I think her dad is American. She was in the MTC with me but only for two weeks because she's from here. I don't really know her too well but it should be fun. Only four new sisters came into the mission so I don't know what they're going to do when all my group leaves...there won't be any sisters left in the Barcelona mission!

So there you have it for transfers...nothing too exciting. I think that means though that I am going to get transferred right before Christmas...BOO! but we'll see what happens. Every week I wait to see if there are pictures of a baby...soon!! I can't wait. I have told everyone that I am going to be an aunt soop and I'm sooo excited! I'm sorry that Kelli is still sick..that sounds awful. But soon it'll be over and you will have a cute little baby!!! I CANT WAIT!

That would be awesome if I saw the Laneys!! Come wth them! haha just kidding. I'll see you all real soon. And yes mom you are crazy...and not just because you're working 5 days but also because you're my MOM! But I love you anyway!

As for me I'm doing great!! Gianella and Helen got baptized on Sunday...It was a crazy day but it's okay because they got baptized and that's the most important part right? Basically everything that could go wrong, did go wrong haha. But they are members of the church! Now that a lot of our investigators got baptized, we are going to have to look and find people who are ready for this gospel.

Also I finally got the package! Thank you so much! Now I wont smell bad :) Also the shoes were's kinda funny because that style is super popular here in Spain! They're a little different of course, but they look very similar. Good work mom. 

I also got the best surprise this week! We were walking up to the church to do a noche de acvitidad like we do every week and there was someone hiding behind the was SARA ARCE from Tarragona!! I freaked out! It made my day. We could only talk for a little bit but it was so awesome to see her again! Shes so great! 

Sorry I realize I just wrote a lot about nothing. I'm doing well though. It's still hotter than ever here. I'm hoping my companion will get better soon so we will be able to work a little bit in our area this week but we will see. Just my luck right?  Well love you all. Keep loving and laughin and don't forget to smile!

hermana barker

Monday, September 8, 2014


Week #58
AHHH!! I'm so glad the books got there just in time! I was scared that they wouldn't get there because I sent them so late. I'm glad that kelli liked them though. I thought they were super cute and now he (baby "W") will always remember his auntie Rach! It looks like Kelli was spoiled at her baby shower (which is exactly how it should have been) so I'm happy! I still can't believe that there is going to be a baby running around soon in the house...or more like being passed around haha. When is the actual due date again? And still no names? The truth is I cant really help because all the names in my head are spanish names and I dont think that's what you're going for haha. But I like baby "W". Just stick with that haha. I'm so excited though and Kel you still look hot as ever! which I had no doubts you would! 

HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDMA BEV!!! That is so fun that you got to come from Utah and celebrate with everyone! I hope it was a very special birthday for a very special grandma! 

That note from the sisters is super cute! You know that the sisters love you when they give you a note! I only leave notes for my favorites! You really don't understand how much even just a cupcake makes in the lives of missionaries. Thank you for taking care of them! They seem like super good sisters! And i'm glad that one of them started poking at dad. She's taking over for me until I get home haha. That's really cute though. You're officially a mission mom, mom! Good work!

As for the package, it's in the office...the zone leaders didn't have enough room in their suitcases so they didn't bring it! I was upset and I gave them a piece of my mind mom, dont worry :) (The package has been sitting in the Mission office since August 16th!  UGHHHH)  but I think someone is going this week to the office so hopefully I'll get it this week. It's super hot here and im DYING!! All we do is sweat and air conditioning doesn't really exist here so a hand fan is what we got going. It's great ha.

This week was a little difficult because I was...sick! I woke up one night with chills all night long and the next moring I was pretty much dead on the couch ha. It was super nice though because Melanie (youth girl) came over in the morning to take care of me and another sister went out with hermana Durham. And then in the afternoon I went to Hermana Alicias house (a woman from the ward) and she took care of me. The ward really takes care of me. The week was a little slow though because I'm still a little stuffed up. I think it's from the change in hot to cold to hot to cold. It's what happens though right?

Not much else has happened. Marius and Juan Carlos are doing well. They both are great examples for everyone. This week we have the baptism of the girls Gianella and Helen. It's a little weird because I didn't really teach them, but they are super excited and there uncle just got in from california. Itll be a cute baptism. we are going to sing with them. 

I'm still loving Castellón. It's hotter than anything ever! But it's still incredible. School started again so things get a little harder, but thre are still good things happening here. All the JAS here are starting to leave for their missions soon and that's sad! It makes me sad to think they won't be here for Christmas or when I leave, but that's okay. They are doing the Lords work and I couldn't be happier about that! 

I hope all is well at home and that you are all getting ready for the baby!!! I can't wait til the little guy comes! It's crazy to think that I only have 5 months left! Transfers are next week by the way so I wont email until Tuesday! I don't really know what's going to happen, but I'm pretty sure im staying here for a little least I hope so. Well see though! 

Hve a great week! love you all!
Con amor
Hermana Barker

Friday, September 5, 2014


WEEK # 57
 Well not going to lie this week has been a little quieter than the last week. We still had an amazing week with finding a lot of new people and having lots of lessons, but just a little slower. I don't think I'll ever have a week like the last week. It was incredible.

As for you all though, it sounds like everyone is doing great. That's crazy that they split the's going to be weird coming home to a brand new ward! But that's good that everyone is doing well and now there is more room to grow in the Alamo 2nd ward. I still can't believe it's Taylor's last year of high school. That sounds crazy! It blows my mind to be honest, but that's exciting. Also tell Jaicy congratulations!! That's so exciting. I bet the Selland family is just loving that right now! I feel like everyone is having babies. Here in Spain right now there are a lot of pregnant people. It's just more of a reminder that Kelli is pregnant...which I still can't wrap my head around to be honest...still weird.

  For my week..there isn't much. I haven't gotten the package yet, but tomorrow we have conference in Valencia and so I should get it then. I also sent something for Kelli's baby shower, but I don't think its going to get there in time. I'm praying it does, but let me know when it gets there so I don't have to worry about that.

  One miracle from the week happened on Saturday night. We wanted to do splits with some of the girls in the ward to find more people and to be able to teach more lessons at the same time. So we took Rita and Melanie to do splits. Rita and I started by just contacting on the streets. Then I remembered that we were close to a family that I have never met, but have tried to pass by before. Well we went and knocked on their door and they were home and let us in! We had a great lesson with them and Rita did awesome. She was like a real missionary. We invited them to church and they said the would try to make it. After we left, Rita was so excited about the lesson. It was awesome because it reminded me of the excitement that I used to get after good lessons. It was really cute. And the best part is... THEY CAME TO CHURCH! Its a family of three from Romania. They are leaving on vacation for two weeks, but after that we are going to try to teach them and help them progress. It was a really fun night though. And if you didn't already know, RITA's GOING TO CHILE!!! Seeing her open her mission call was so awesome! Brought back so many memories!

  Truth is this week wasn't anything super big. We had a lot of good lessons and a lot of miracles in finding people, but nothing too big. Sorry to make it so boring. We have another baptism coming up on the 12th of two girls named Gianella and Helen. Their parents are members, but they haven't been baptized. They are waiting for their uncle to get here from California to baptize them and he gets in on the 7th or so. So that will be a fun baptism. They are super cute and super excited about their baptism.

  Other than that, I'm doing well. It's super hot and sometimes it's hard to sleep, but who needs sleep??  I'm loving life and i just can't believe that the time is going so fast. Sometimes I get really excited to see you all and other times I get really sad thinking I'm going to leave all these people. It's a love hate relationship.

  That's awesome that Taylor was a part of her friend's baptism!! Those are some amazing stories and that girl now is going to be the beginning of a lot of members of the church! Keep spreading the word!!

And that made me sooo happy that you invited the sisters over for their birthdays!! I bet that really meant something to them! It's always nice to get a little bit of love on your birthday! Thanks for loving them like the people love me here.

  Hermana Barker