Thursday, August 29, 2013

We Leave for Barcelona on Tuesday .......

Week #5 
Wednesday, Aug 28th, 2013
So since I have no email from mom (I, mom, wrote a letter to Rachel but instead of sending it to her I put it in my "drafts".  I felt horrible when I realized what I had done! What mother does that?) I will email everything to you dad this week (because Ron did not put his letter in his "drafts"  Thank goodness!).  Tell mom I am so hurt right now! Just kidding. Tell her I love her and I hope her strength is doin well.  I miss you guys more every day but I am doing so well.
Today is our last p-day so its now going to Mondays, just a heads up. We leave for Barcelona on Tuesday and thats pretty much all I know as of right now. Today was the last time going through the temple here in Madrid and I did it in Spanish!! It was hard but such a cool experience. Also rumor has it that the Barcelona missionaries may get to go to the Rome temple open house!! So tell grandma Bev to be looking for that email so I can see her there! 
So this week has been so weird considering it's our last week! We are all trying to cram in learning but it has also been a lot of fun. Last week at the park I gave Manuel the chess player (her first contact in the park in Madrid, two days after arriving in Madrid) the Book of Mormon with my testimony. He said he was going to read it and told me he was going to email me. I told him he was my grandpa of Spain and he laughed. He is so cute! It has been really fun to get to know him. 
 Also you asked about President Sitterud last week (The Spain MTC President). To answer your question he is awesome! He knows everyone by name and we write letters to him every week to tell him how we are doing and he writes everyone back. He is great and he talks very highly of President Pace (Barcelona Mission President) so I am excited to meet him.
This week the theme of our classes seemed to be "vive su vida sin miedo"! Basically it means to live our lives and to do our missions for ourselves because no one else is going to do it for you. Also we talk alot about turning out to the people and not worrying about ourselves. My favorite scripture has been D&C  84:88 (And whose receiveth you, there I will be also, for I will go before your face.  I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels around about you, to bear you up).  It is so comforting and reminds me of all the angels I have back at home who are supporting me. 
This week Hermana Fuller and I sang in Sacrament meeting. It was so awesome. There were people crying and the Spirit was so strong. I am very blessed to have a mom who showed me that you can bear testimony through song as well as through words. Hermana Fuller was my companion at the park as well and sometimes when we weren't talking to people, we would stop and just sing in the middle of the park. It was really cool.
Can you all do one thing for me? Tell Josh (her cousin who is leaving next week to serve a mission in Philadelphia PA) GOOD LUCK! and to really love every minute of the MTC. It is hard and it is tiring and at times I just wanted to get out of here, but it is amazing if you make it amazing. You are going to be so awesome because you're a Barker and we have it in us! Be safe and let your light shine for everyone you meet! 
On a side note, my teacher told me today that if I try talking as much as possible the people are going to love me. I asked him why and he said because you look so innocent that they will want to help you! haha Im pretty sure he meant it as a good thing but it was really funny to hear that. The teachers are awesome here and I am really sad that I wont have them at my side throughout my mission. Some of them are from the Barcelona area though, and said that if I serve in their area they will take me to lunch! So cross your fingers that I get in their areas. Im getting used to the fish but I can whole heartedly say that I will never like it ha. I have to forget what I am eating and just swallow or I dont eat anything (sorry Kel no weight gain for me yet). 
Well, I love you all and I am so grateful to have so many amazing examples in my life. I know that I couldnt do this without you all and of course without the Lord. He truly does love every one of you and knows us completely. I am so grateful that he atoned for me and my imperfections and I am so grateful that I know families are eternal. I would not want to live with anyone else but the crazy Barkers for the rest of forever!! Love you and miss you all and the next time I write it could be from some crazy city!!! 
Adios Madrid on to my next adventure!!

love forever
Hermana Barker

Friday, August 23, 2013

I feel like I've been gone for so long, but also it feels like one day!

Week #4
Wednesday, August 21st, 2013

It is so weird to hear all that is going on at home! I feel like I have been gone for so long, but also it feels like its been one day. It's crazy to think that a month ago I was getting set apart to be a missionary! I can't believe all that I have learned and done here already. My Spanish is really coming along and I am learning so much about the gospel and about all the power we have as missionaries but also as members of the church. We had a fireside the other day and the man who spoke said he had a woman in a ward he served in who ended up helping over 300 people find the church just through her! It made me realize that I was lazy while I was home and scared of what I believe. I am hoping that this mission will make up for some of my lazy years :), but life is so good. I get homesick some nights when I think about how long it is, but only 17 more months to go! haha

Not much happened this week, but cool story from the park! There is a man named manuel at the park who plays chess every week. I go visit every Saturday to say hi and talk with him and he always says how much we make his day and all that. (ps Kelli, parks are splits so I have a new companion every Saturday) anyway so I told him this last Saturday that I had a gift for him, but it wasn't ready yet. I got a Book of Mormon and I have had every missionary that has met him with me write their testimonies in the back and this week I am going to give it to him. He is a little old man but he is so awesome and I truly have a soft spot for him in my heart. We took a picture with him and I will try to get it to you as soon as I can!

It's really hard to be in one place all the time with the same exact people and not go stir crazy. We were talking about how in two weeks we will be on a train to our missions and I was soooo nervous. After a little while of thinking about it though, I am sooooo excited to get out of here and really start to work! I may or may not be going a little crazy in this MTC!

Also we talk a lot about how we cannot convert people without first converting ourselves. I have thought a lot about this and have realized that even if I don't change people's lives, I have a least changed myself!  I just hope everyone who reads my letters knows how much the Lord loves you all and how much He is really watching out for all of us. I realize now that a mission really is the Lord's work and I feel so lucky to be here.

Today is p-day and we went through the temple, and yes we go through every week for whoever asked that. I can't remember sorry!  But it is so gorgeous and such an amazing feeling every week. Today we are going to a mall so mom and dad I might be spending a little bit of money but just for necessities of course :) Sorry if my spelling is terrible sometimes I can't remember how to spell things in English! But that's a good thing I guess?

Tell Tay and Court to have a good first week in school! Court go tear up that Monte Vista ground! Leave the Barker name all over that school!! and Tay keep the Barker legacy going at San Ramon!  I don't know if Nicole Barker reads my letters, but let her know that I'm thinking about her and tell her my advice for school is to make the best of everything. Time flies and you only have a chance to do some things once so take advantage of it now! Really find out who you are and what you want for the rest of your life!!

Love you all so much and can't wait to hear from you all. If you are sending letters it might be best now to send them to the Barcelona mission home because I may not get it here. I'm including the address at the end, if you could change it on Facebook that would be awesome!

Love you with all my heart and remember that the Lord loves and knows us individually and no matter what He will always love us and I will always love you all too!
love always
Hermana Barker

ps: mom I play your songs that I have on my ipod all the time! The Elders in my district were very impressed!  love you alll so so so so so much!

heres the address for barcelona!
C/Calatrava 10-12, Bajos
08017 Barcelona

Thursday, August 15, 2013

I am just an Instrument in the Lord's hands .........

Week #3
Wednesday, August 14th, 2013

I miss you guys mucho! Its so weird not seeing your faces every day. That is just amazing about Sister Lloyd! That truly is the hand of The Lord!

Also tell Kelli and Mark I thought of them on the 14!! Hope they had a fun anniversary!
I'm glad everyone is doing well and that you all are safe and progressing! I am too don't worry. This email may be a little short because we got out of the temple late so I don’t have much time but where to start?

To start with a story...last week at the park was very interesting to say the least. I was with Hermana Dunn who doesn't know much Spanish so we didn't talk to that many people, but there was a group of 4 guys that were walking around and said hi like 3 times. So finally hma Dunn said lets go talk to them, but no flirting haha. So we started to talk to them and two of them spoke Spanish and two spoke English. So she talked to the two in English and I talked to the two in Spanish. We were talking about Joseph Smith and the Pope and one of them started talking about the angel visiting and the first vision in Spanish. I looked at him and said "you know a lot more about this church than you say you do don't you?" They just started laughing and then said they are from America and they are all members except for the one I was talking with. We started to talking in English and I asked why he wasn't baptized and he just said he never really looked into it. He said "I live in Queens, New York so I told him I was going to send my cousin (Jacob is serving a mission in Queens right now) to his house and he had to listen to him. So he agreed to meet with the missionaries!  It was so weird but so funny. After they were walking away his cousin turned to me and said thank you. I asked what for and he said it was the first time ever that his cousin had agreed whole heartedly to meet with the missionaries. It was a weird experience but I felt like I actually may have helped someone.

A funny story, we were teaching our investigator and I asked him to pray to know if our message was true. He just started laughing and I was so embarrassed and after I asked why did you laugh at me? He said because when you smile and how you say things reminds me exactly of one of my companions on my mission and I can't take you seriously haha. It was so funny. Also during this lesson, my companion told him she wants to get married around 13 and 14 instead of 23 or 24. I was dying!! The gift of tongues doesn't always work hah.

This week has been crazy and weird but so much fun! I am progressing every day and talking much more in our lessons. It is an amazing experience and I have already seen the blessings in my life.

Spiritual thought for the week Alma 26:12. I am just an instrument in the Lord's hands and all I say and do is just Him working through me. I know this is the Lord's work and every time I teach I know more and more in my heart that this is the whole truth and that Joseph Smith is a Prophet of God. I am so thankful to know that I can be with you all forever and I get to share more experiences with you throughout my life. I wish sometimes that I hadn't been afraid to share my testimony more to people because now I see that words can never hurt people if they are of the spirit. Don't forget that as you go throughout your day, Tay and Court, never be embarrassed to stand up for what you believe, share with your whole heart what you know because you never know who is listening!

Today we are going to the Praudo (not sure how to spell it) but its an art museum and it will be fun.

Last story, the girls in my district have become known as the CCM (MTC in Spanish) quartet.  We sing all the time and we serenade people every night. Its so funny and so fun!  We actually sound pretty good too!

Well I love you all and I know there is more I can write but im down to my last few minutes. I hope you enjoyed the pictures! Also mom if you could attach the picture of me with my sunbeams? I think it should be on the computer but if not its no big deal!

love you with all my heart! Tell everyone hello and I'm sorry I couldn't respond to everyone. I had a lot of time last week but not so much this week. Half way done and 3 weeks to go!!!

love always
hermana barker

Thursday, August 8, 2013

So much to say, so little time! Where to start .....

Week #2
Wednesday, August 7th, 2013

So much to say so little time! but where to start? Basically the days are all the same. It's class lunch class exercise class dinner class, pretty much all in class all the time, but class is awesome! The teachers are amazing and I am learning so fast! I can understand pretty much everything but my conjugation of verbs needs some work. My companion and I are very different people, but I know the lord gave me the people in my district to help me through these hard times. My district is just amazing!

Hermana Crandall is just the best. She is always so supportive and always knows what I need to hear. Also, the Elders have taken us under their wings as their little (older) sisters and it is so cute. Elder fonseca is awesome. The other day I was really having a hard time and he was the only one who could tell something was wrong. At dinner, he ¨called¨ me on a fake phone so no one would hear us talk. it was so dumb but so nice and it just showed someone cared and was really watching out for me. I know the Lord puts people in our lives to learn and to grow and I know all these people are in our lives for a reason.
Last week we went to the center of Madrid for pday. It was so beautiful. Mom, you would love the architect of the buildings. We saw gypsies curse people and we saw crazy people dancing and trying to get money from you. We also saw accordian players everywhere dad! I took a picture for you. we also went to the old castle and it was amzing! I have pictures, but we don't get to upload until the last week so you're gonna have to wait. Cool story about one building in Madrid. There is a huge bell tower on top and on Christmas eve it rings 12 times and every ring the people standing outside and eat a grape. I don't know why, but they do and I thought it was kind of cool!
Last week the park was a disaster! I was so confused and nobody wanted to listen to us at all! This week was a different story. I was with Hermana Hasset and she knows less spanish than I do so I had to be the translator and talk the most. It was amazing what I was able to do. We got a reference and we handed out things to so many people. Also, there is a man named Manuel. I can't remember if I told you about him, but last Saturday he taught us how to play chess and told us to come back this week. When I went over to say hi he jumped up and gave me the biggest hug and said he had been waiting for us hermanas all week. He also got us a present!!! It was one of those Russian doll things but Spain style. It is beautiful! He said he was going out of town, but when he got back he was going to look the hermanas up that were by his house! It was amazing to be a part of it!
Random stories! A teacher here named Hermana Giorgino was companions with Shelly Russon in Texas!!! small world right? She sent a picture to Shelly and told me to tell my family! Also, I told dad this, but an elder in my district named Zack Giforos said his mom knows you guys! They are from American Fork. We started putting all these puzzle pieces together it was awesome. Aslo mom, I can't find either of the elders you mentioned in your last email so either they already left the mtc or they are in Provo.
Today at the temple the temple presidents wife came and found me and said hello from you guys! It was awesome. I felt so special so thank you for that!  
Side note, Elder Ward from the train wreck went home becuase he was having numbness in his hands. Keep him in your prayers for me.
One cool story from this week. On Fast Sunday (by the way we fast from lunch to lunch and considering most meals are fish i am totally ok with this!) Elder Giforos got up and bore his testimony. He was talking about how we have people in heaven who are watching us and cheering us on. This may sound crazy but in an instant I was in tears because I could feel papabear sitting next to me and telling me that he was proud of me and then in an instant it was gone! It was crazy but It was so amazing. The love and support from everyone everywhere is what gets me through the day. I read and reread letters I printed and it is just amazing to know that my family is the best family ever and they support me more than I could ever ask for! I love you all so much!
I am glad you guys get to see some pictures of us singing. ps mom I get told all the time that I have the cutest clothes so good work!! If I look sad when you see video of us singing, it's not because I am sad. It's either because I am consentrating on the Spanish hymns or I am just mentally exhausted! My brain has never worked so hard in my life.
Tell Miranda I got her letter and it was so sweet! I don't have her email and she told me not to reply to that address so just let her know I got it and am sooo excited for her and can't wait to hear more about what is going to happen! Tell her she really helped in my decision to go.
Also tell Bishop he's not missing much yet. We aren't in the most beautiful part of Madrid and I hear Barcelona is much more beautiful. Tell him i'll see him September 4! haha
Well I don't have much time, but I love you all and honestly look forward every week to hear what is going on! I hope dad isn't telling you all a play by play of what I am doing anymore :) I love and miss you like crazy and know I think about you all the time! Love you with all my heart!
love Hermana Barker
ps sorry about the sporadic letters. I just want to say it all before I run out of time!

(Ron happened to be on the computer this morning at 6am and Rachel was on the computer in Spain.  He sent an email with questions but her computer time was up so this was her response):

I'm sorry that I don't respond much to all the questions! There's just so much and so little time, but I am so glad Collette Crystal actually found you guys on facebook! I ran into her in the middle of Madrid and she told me she would write you guys! It means so much that she did that! I am doing great.  I can print letters so emails are good. If I don't respond to yours I will respond to moms with everything, but I will print yours and read them. I have them from last week too so either works. Thank you for sending my other set of scriptures. I know it probably wasn't cheap.  I love you and miss you so much! iIthink about you all the time and tell people I have the best most caring dad in the world. I know i give you a hard time but you are an amazing example to me! love you dad!
hermana barker
ps I cant remember if I told you this so sorry if its a repeat, but my night teacher (who is soo funny by the way and makes us laugh so hard and his English is terrible!) calls me Hermana Sassy. One of the elders in my district told me I was sassy and my teacher Hermano Gallegos asked what that meant so we explained to him and now whenever he sees me he snaps his fingers and says hola Hermana Sassy haha. Basically I am known here as the sassy old sister, but it is awesome.

Also on a side note I never thought I would like having so many 19 year old girls here all the time, but I have found it to be a blessing. Missionary work is hard. Being away from family is hard and not understanding is hard. I know the sisters that are at this mtc are here to be a help and companion to each other to help each other through it. I never thought I would say this, but I am so grateful for girls! They are a blessing in disguise. Well I love you so much and I tell everyone i have the best dad ever!

Monday, August 5, 2013

MTC Choir

Click the link below to see updated photos and a video of the MTC Madrid Choir singing on the Temple steps.

August 4th, 2013 The Best Facebook message I have ever received ..... (Heidi)

On Sunday, August 4th, I received a Facebook message from a total stranger.  I shared the message with Ron and as we began to read it, both of us got tears in our eyes.  First of all it was amazing that this total stranger would take the time to look me up on Facebook and send a message about our daughter.  Second of all, as I was reading her description of Rachel, I could totally picture Rachel smiling and laughing and being herself.  A testament to us that Rachel is happy serving the Lord.

Collette Crystal
Collette Crystal9:25am Aug 4
Heidi and family,
so you don't know me but I had to write you and tell you about the experience I had running into your daughter, Hermana Barker, in Madrid on Thursday.

So I've been on a study abroad in logrono, a city 4 hrs from Madrid and to end the program a few of us are here in Madrid. We were walking the streets and seeing the city when the highlight of the day was running into the missionaries. I met your daughter and I just wanted to let you know that she was BEAMING with light. She stood out and was so happy and enthused to be where she is. Having served a mission myself, I understand the sacrifices and challenges that comes along with it but I am always grateful for their sacrifice and enthusiasm about the gospel. No doubt she is going to be apart of many miracles. She is optimist, intelligent but most important, I felt her spirit and I left feeling uplifted and grateful for meeting her. She will do great things! She must have had great influences growing up to get her where she is today. Thank you for raising sweet Hermana Barker the way you have, she is a blessing to anyone that gets to meet her!
Take care, and prayers for your missionary in Barcelona!
Collette crystal

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Don't worry about me! I am always busy and don't have enough time to be sad or homesick .......

          Week #1
Wednesday, July 31st, 2013
So where do I even start? I guess I will start with sorry about the grammer and stuff. The computers are different and we don´t have a lot of time so I'm not gonna waste it on that! haha But basically this week was insane! It was non stop going and going. There were about 15 of us on the flight from New York to Madrid but only one other hermana. It just so happens that that hermana ended up being my companion!!! It worked out so nicely! Also the first day they asked all of the girls who were younger than 21 to stand and one other girl were the only ones who stayed sitting! My district calles me abuela Barker! haha great right? Also the first night we ate swordfish and gespacho. First of all I am going to start loving fish because thats all we eat,  and gespacho! SO GROSS!! It's like a tomato and cucumber smoothy thing, seriously sooo gross!!! We no joke eat fish at least once a day  (Rachel hates any kind of seafoodI've lost one pound (sorry Kel doesnt look like I'm gettin fat).
Also we are the only room that has a bathroom in it instead of the community bathroom. Only problem is the toilet paper is too far away so I can't reach it! haha Little girl problems. We also had a temple session the first day and barely made it. We woke up about 10 minutes before we had to be there and I didn't shower or brush my teeth for like three days!!! (Between traveling for 24 hours straight and exhaustion, they didn't have time for personal matters) It was so gross. (Rachel brushes her teeth 3 -4 times a day.  She is a fanatic about good oral hygiene).  
We already aren't allowed to speak in English and it is pretty hard. Speaking at the park was so hard.(On Saturday, 3 days after entering the MTC, the missionaries went out into the park in Madrid to practice what they had learned).  Me and Hermana Bangerter (my companion) were a little discouraged, but we teach fake investigators and we got a baptism yesterday!! It was the best feeling ever!!! I know it wasn't a real thing but the feeling I had was amazing. My spanish is nowhere near as good as hermana B, but my teacher said my spirit and my faith are so strong and that is what is going to move mountains. 
So you saw the picture of us singing? I swear Mr. Abrams followed me here (her high school choir director). The director sang in the motab (Mormon Tabernacle Choir) for 8 years and he is just like Mr. A! hha It's a nice little piece of home ha.
I got your letter! Thank you much Tay and Court for the shoutouts.  It was so nice, and getting a letter was so amazing! I was one of the first to get one! I will write you back about my companion and district because there's a lot to say and I don´t have time to write it, but yes p-day is on Thursday and we have half an hour in the MTC (to read and write emails). In the field we get an hour so I'll write more.
Did you hear about Elder Ward? He was in a train accident and almost became paralyzed? Well he is back and hoping to go back into the field soon. He spoke to us the other day and it was so powerful! (On the day that Rachel entered the MTC in Madrid, there was a train accident further south of Madrid where 80 people were killed and another 80 or so were injured.  One of the injured was an Elder who was leaving the MTC in Madrid and heading to his first assignment.  After being released from the hospital he was sent back to the MTC where he will stay until his recovery is complete).  I love it here! It is hard and my brain is fried by the end of the day, but it is totally worth it. I can already have lessons in Spanish and I am improving so much.
I'm sorry this letter is so sporadic! I have so much to say and so little time. But I love all you so much and I am so grateful for all the support you have given me! Tell everyone that they have all made a difference and you are all in my mission prayers (which are supposed to be more powerful) ha.
I hope I covered the basics but I will write more next time! Don´t worry about me! I am always busy and don't have enough time to be sad or homesick! Sorry if I seemed a little insensitive at the aiport…I just didn't want to go through crying! and sorry to all of you that dad talks about me all the time! I'm just the favorite! hahah just kidding, but I have no time left so I have to go.
Can you by chance send me my scriptures? I didn´t think I would need them but they would be super nice!
Well I will write next week! Please keep the love coming and know that I am safe and well!!! I love you all sooo much!
love forever
hermana barker
ps this is for you dad...
yo sé que la iglesia de jesucristo es verdadera. yo sé que jose smith es un profeta de dios. yo sé que el libro de mormon es verdadero. yo sé que jesucristo es el hijo de dios he el amarnos ye guiarnos. me encanta este evangelio y me encanta much me familia. yo sé que families son eternas. te damos gracias por mi familia y el evangelio de jesucristo. en el nombre de jesucristo amen.
(Edited by Heidi)