Monday, March 24, 2014


WEEK #34

Time is FLYING!!!

This is the last week of this transfer. Seriously the time is flying by. It feels like it has only been 2 weeks. I think I'm staying one more transfer but you never know. All I know is that when I leave Martorell I am going to cry. I honeslty love the people here so much. Many of them have told me that when I leave they will cry too! It's going to be a sad day in Martorell. This week has been another quiet week. Martorell is a pretty quiet place. 

As for investigators, were searching right now. We have some really good people, but for some reason they all decided to leave the country at the same time. Jackeline (the one with the little boys) is in Brazil, but should come back this week. Eva and her daughters are in Bolivia and are coming back in the beginning of April. We have some others, but not much right now. You know what that means...CONTACTING. my favorite thing ever...kindof. We saw some miracles this week though through contacting. We got our first referral from the mission office. Also, when we were waiting in the capilla (church) for Godson (our investigator) to show up, a man walked into the church and started asking questions. We invited him to church, but usually they don't come. Well yesterday he showed up about 15 minutes before sacrament ended! He stayed for all classes and we're meeting with him this week. He's a little different, but he wants to learn and that's what we do. Poco a poco we will find people who are prepared to hear this gospel. Were having fun though so that's good. It's been hard lately though because I have had a cold and a cough and I'm tired a lot of the time. Part of the missio life I guess haha.

Something also that happened this week that was so awesome was a lady named Dhakbia. She is muslim and her son comes to english class every week. Well, he asked us to teach his mom Spanish so we have been working with her every week. She really knows very little Spanish so it's a little hard. Anyway, the other day she asked us how long we were going to be in Spain. When we told her that we were going to leave in the next month or two months, she started to cry. She said that we were like her daughters and we couldn't leave now. She said that we had helped her more than anyone else has helped her in the last 15 years that she has been in Spain. It was so cute!! She just kept giving us besos and telling us she loved us. It was very cute and very heartwarming to know that just an hour of our time each week had made such an impact on her. 

Last night, Dhakbia invited us over to eat couscous. It was so good! Who would have thought that in Spain I would eat food from Morocco, Africa, Spain, and America!! Now all I need is Chinese food. We also watched the video of her daugthers wedding. It was a very interesting wedding. It was so different from anything I had ever seen before. I love all the different cultural experiences I am having here in Spain though. I really am learning so much!

Well not much else is going on. Barcelona and Madrid played in football yesterday and the streets were crazy. Barcelona won (of course). I heard that tickets cost up to 700 euros!!! That is so crazy! I wish I could have watched, but one day haha. 

Today we went bike riding in Barcelona. It was a cool way to see the city. There is still so much I need to see, but I'm getting ideas for when you all come. The bike riding was fun though and it wasn't expensive either. Barcelona is so cool because it has so much history. I think that is the only thing that the USA lacks, not that we don't have historical cities, they are just not as old as European cities. The architecture here is amazing. I did decide though that I really never want to live in a big city. Barcelona is crazy!! It would stress me out to live there haha but its fun to visit.

And of course I didn't forget....TAY you looked GUAPISIMA!!!! Seriously you looked so grown up and so hot! Your hair and makeup and nails and dress and everything looked so good!! Thanks mom for sending me pictures. I just love my Barker Beauties...of course it was missing the most beautiful beauty but in January it'll be complete again. Can you believe im almost at my halfway mark!!! So weird.

Well, I'm glad to hear that all is well. I hope you are all happy and lovig life. Have a great week and keep being you!!! 

con amor,
Hermana Barker

ps; sorry if it was a little boring today...I'm a little tired and couldn't think of anythig witty to say ahah. 

Monday, March 17, 2014


WEEK #33

What a week. It sounds like you all are doing amazing! It also sounds like the youth of the Alamo ward are catching the wave pretty strongly (in my email to Rachel this week, I told her about the young women in our ward who are getting ready to submit their mission papers). It makes me so excited to hear that there are so many youth getting ready to serve!! Tell them I am so excited for them and there is nothing better that they could be doing in their lives right now! It's honeslty the most amazing 2 years or 18 months they will ever have, EVER! I wish I could put all my emotions into this email, but I think that would impossible. The emotions of missionaries is something that you can't bottle up...because it would Explode! It's amazing how many emotions I am able to feel in a matter of 24 hours. It's exhausting, but at the same time so fun!
 I can't wait to see pictures of Taylor at prom! I know you are going to look beautiful and Mitchs' mom sounds awesome! 

That's so cute that Sister Mehr used my picture in her primary class on Sunday (the lesson was on Missionaries and since Rachel was the teacher of this primary class before her mission, sister Mehr thought it would be perfect to have pictures of their teacher, Rachel, as a missionary). Tell her that I am honored haha and I miss those kids so much!! I still have their picture hanging on my wall. I love that you all get chances to speak about the gospel so much. I am happy to be a part of those conversations. Continue to share the gospel because everyone needs Christ and Faith in their lives even if they haven't realized it for themselves. 

I'm also glad you like the pictures. Manuel is doing great. He is so loving. He says hi to everyone at church and makes sure no one sits alone. It's so cute! 

As for my week here, it's been alittle slow. I have been sick all week so I haven't really had my normal amount of energy...which is a lot! We still had a lot of lessons and are teaching of course. We are looking for more people who are prepared to listen though, because the work is slowing down. We have a couple very ready people though, who we are working with. 

I got the birthday package on monday so don't worry. I just didn't get a chacne to get to the mission office until Monday. Thank you so much though!! The CD was awesome. I have listened to it a million times! Please tell the Stocks thank you so much for the fruity pebbles. It was so nice of them to think of me! My birthday continued this week. A family in our ward invited us over for dinner and gave me a cake and chocolates.
I really got spoiled here in Martorell. The rama (branch, church congregation) is small, but it's so awesome!! I also got the card that you sent! I may have teared up a little bit when I heard your voices on the recording. That was better than any present you could have sent. I've listened to that quite a few times as well. I bet my companion is sick of your voices haha. It was perfect though. Thank you so much!! I also got Tay and Courts letters and I am in the process of writing back. Thank you for the letters they were super sweet. Thank you to everyone again for making me feel so supported and so loved on my birthday! 

So at the end of this week we had a talent show at church. It was so fun! We had to dance country with the Relief Society (women's organization) definitely isn't their style of dance here haha. Then we did a skit with the elders about the morning of a missionary. We were the elders and they were us. It was super funny and everyone loved it! I have videos but youll have to wait til next January to see them because I can't send them. The talent show as super fun though. I love Spain becuase people here don't have any shame. They all get up and do whatever they want. Everyone participates even if they have no idea what is going on.

Last night we went to a members house to celebrate his daughters birthday. She isn't a member, but she's super nice. I learned to dance the Bachata....I'm a real Spaniard now!! haha It was super fun. I have really made strong relationships with the members here and I am going to cry when I have to leave Martorell!! But its ok. I think I have one more transfer here. It's crazy how fast the time is going by. I can't even keep up with the month,. they just fly!! I hope the time is flyhing for you all too.
Mt Monserrat.  We are going to hike Mt. Monserrat next week.
 I love you all. Keep up the missionary work at home and know that I love and miss you all mucho! Have fun this week Tay at Jr. Prom and take lots of pictures!!!

And...HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARK!!!! I know it's late, but it's the only thing I can do as a missionary haah. I hope it was great and that you are doing well and loving life!!

Rachel's Piso in Martorell

Con amor
hermana barker

Monday, March 10, 2014


WEEK #32

First of all I am so overwhelmed by all the love I have received today. I honestly just sat here and cried as I read all the emails from everyone. I have never felt so much love in my life so thank you to everyone. I wish I could personally email everyone back today, but it might be a while. Just know that you all have made me so grateful for what I have. Thank you for everything. 

I think this birthday was probably the best birthday I have ever had, EVER! Manuel was baptized and it was the smoothest baptism ever. He was early and had a big smile on his face. After, we asked how he felt and he said he felt better and new. He is a little weird old man, but he has changed my life. On Sunday after his confirmation we were telling him how happy we were for him and he looked at me and said, "why do you have so much love and care for me?" I told him it was because he was special to us and he looked down and quietly just said, "oh thank you so much." It was awesome. It was a perfect moment on my birthday.

Manuel is baptized on Rachel's 22nd birthday.
Rachel calls this the happy dance.

I honestly don't even know where to begin right now. First of all thank you Grandma and Grandpa for the package. The oreos are awesome! I didn't even know there were so many kinds of oreos!!! and thank you Grandma Bev for the email letter. It was beautiful and I am so glad to hear that you are happy and active and doing well!!! Kelli and Mark I got your card and the card was so true and so perfect Kel. Thank you for thinking of me. I'm sorry I'm the worst and didn't send anything. It's been so crazy here! 
Love from Home

So this week was quiet, but so good. We have been working hard with Manuel and everything paid off. Also, we have been working with a woman named Jackeline. She just lost her husband three weeks ago and moved here to live with her aunt who is a member. There is something really special about her. I don't know why, but I just feel a connection to her. We have already made a bond with her that is really strong and I know she is going to really love the gospel. She is an amazing woman. 

As for my birthday yesterday...I was so spoiled. The President of my rama (that is a branch, her church congregation) put my birthday in the noticias of the program...after church one woman came up to me and said that I must be real special because the president never puts birthdays in the program. So that started it all. Everyone said happy birthday to me yesterday. Then we went to Eugenia and an investigator's house for lunch and they had a cake and cookies and presents for me. Hermana Oli from the ward bought me a shirt and wrote a super cute card. She told me to tell you thanks for raising a daughter like me. We played games and had so much fun. Then the Elders and Hermana Tyler gave me a present too. Its a jersey from the world cup last year of Barcelona with my name on it!!! It's so cool and I'm pretty sure it was super expensive! It was so cute.

After that we went to a noche de hogar (family home evening) at the family Orihuela. I am super close to them and they call me their adopted daughter. They gave me a scarf and necklace and bracelet. It was so cute. and they made me a cake. I was definitely well taken care of yesterday so don't worry. I guess you could say that i had a great 22nd birthday. And it's crazy to think that a year ago I opened my call and now I'm 8 months into my mission!!! The time is flying and its a good and bad thing because i feel like i still have so much work to do, but I'm excited to see everyone at home again and give hugs to people again!!!

Well I could go on forever about how much love I feel right now and how many emotions I am feeling, but I won't bore you. We have a lot of work to do and a lot of people to find. I am catching my missionary fire and nothing is going to stop me. The change that I have seen in people is amazing. I am so honored to be a part of it and to share with people the happiness I have from this gospel. I have never been happier in my life and I know it's because the Lord is by my side always. My testimony has never been stronger and I know it will never fade away. I love this gospel and I know that the Lord lives and that He is guiding us in all we do. His hand is outstretched and He is just waiting for us to take it. Thank you for showing the love of Christ and being examples to all. I love you all so much there aren't even words to explain!!! Have an amazing week.... and HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARK!!!!!! 

Hermana Barker

Monday, March 3, 2014


WEEK #31

I just want to sleep for three days straight.....

But don't worry! I'm still rocking it and working hard...just with bags under my eyes..all the time haha. I seriously love reading the emails I get every week. Even though I'm not home, it's so fun to read what's going on! Prom Tay??  I do hope you have fun and I know you're going to look beautiful!! I can't wait to see pictures! 

Mom! I'm so glad you met Kim!!! She is awesome. I miss those girls so much!! They were the best!  Next time you see them give them a big hug for me and tell them hi, especially the little one!!! They are so cute.  I love that you saw them! Aw, I miss all my little babies from work and home and church! 

As for Martorell, it's great. It's really windy here right now, but it's so good. We have a baptism this weekend. His name is Manuel and he is a little old lonely man from Spain. He has changed so much though in the last few weeks. He smiles and laughs and he is happy. He knows it's because of the church and it's amazing to be a part of that. He is so ready and excited for baptism. His only doubt is that the water is going to be cold...hahaah I'm going to make a jacuzzi for him! We had a really spiritual experience with him this week. We were talking about the Plan of Salvation and he had doubts about what was going to happen after this life. I asked him if he would be willing to pray right then to know if it would be possible to live with his family again. He agreed and his prayer was short and sweet. After though, he paused for about 3 minutes with his eyes closed. Hermana Tyler and I just let him have this time. The spirit overwhelmed the capilla (church). When he looked up, he still had doubts, but I knew that he had felt something. I knew that he couldn't deny the truth of what we were saying. Every investigator is going to have their doubts, but it only takes one strong spiritual experience to strengthen their faith. Manuel is ready. He knows and feels the love of God every day. He is a prepared man in our path.

This week was better than last week. Hermana Tyler is feeling better. We had 29 lessons last week! That doesn't sound like a lot, but that was the most in our entire  zone! I am finding my stride as a missionary. I am finding how to interact with the members, and how to teach in a simple way. (well claro because my Spanish is simple so that helps). I really do love this work though. I am tired, and it's real hard to get up sometimes, but I love every minute of it. The members are amazing. I now have three invitations to marry the sons of members who are on missions as well. It's fun though and Hermana Tyler and I have a lot of fun together. 

Speaking of fun, last week we had a really interesting experience. We were contacting outside of the capilla and an old man just came and stared at Hermana Tyler. We had no idea what he was doing!! Then he started to walk away. As we were turning the corner to go home, he was standing in the middle of the sidewalk PEEING!!! Hermana Tyler said "oh my gosh!" like 12 times! I was dying, laughing so hard!! The best was that no one on the street was reacting at all!! It was like it was normal to them!! So funny!!

Also we had zone focus this week. Our zone had the most baptisms of the mission. Our zone is full of character, and it's really fun. Again, Elder Beaton (zone leader) asked me to speak at the conference. This time I spoke about faith. It was good. I like to teach, so I always like to help in any way I can. 

Another funny story. We are having a talent show in our ward and the Relief Society is doing a country dance. They asked us to be in it with them so we went to the practice on Friday night. Let's just say that country isn't the style of Spaniards. It was so funny. Hermana Tyler and I ended up teaching it by the end. It'll be interesting to see what happens on the night of the performance. 

Well that's about it for Martorell. We have some really promising people right now, and we are going to find more. Keep sharing your testimony with those that you know and love. I know this gospel can change even the worst of situations. Spain doesn't have a lot right now, but I have seen the change this gospel makes in the lives of those who are struggling. Be strong and don't be afraid to stand up for what you believe. I love you all and hope you have an amazing week!!!!

AND OF COURSE I DIDN'T FORGET KELLI....I just wanted you to sweat  a little bit!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY OH SO OLD HERMANA!!!! Kell smell I love you and hope that this next year brings great blessings and lots of love...and maybe a baby?? hehe know that I will be thinking of you this week and that you will always be in my heart. Have an awesome birthday!!!

con amor (para siempre)
Hermana Barker