Monday, December 15, 2014

WEEK #72
First I have to say...HOW CUTE IS SANTA!! Oh my gosh I died when I saw the pictures. Santa is the best! He looks so happy and like he loves his job. And Mason looks just as cute as ever! I wanted to sit on Santa's lap, but seeing as he's a man, it's not allowed this year. Next year for sure haha. Don't worry mom about the Christmas package (we sent a small Christmas package this year knowing she would have a large wish list of items to purchase in Spain before we head home).  I don't have room for more stuff anyway so it's perfect. And plus the best Christmas gift is going to be having you all here soon! I seriously cant wait. I mean I may have cried the other day when a returned missionary was giving her homecoming talk and was talking about taking off the chapa (badge). She said it was the hardest few words she has ever had to listen to when the stake president told her to take off her chapa. I can't imagine life not as a missionary, but it's gotta happen at some point right? You'll just have to forgive me ahead of time with the awkwardness :) 

I'm so sorry to hear that Hermana Mahe is leaving. That's amazing that you have made such an amazing connection with her. I would love to meet the sister that has impacted my family so much. She sounds like an amazing girl. Keep writing her mom. The smallest messages really can affect someone. And keep loving the sisters. It really means a lot to us when the members take us in as their own. Then it's not as hard to be away from home...especially during the Christmas time. 

As always I'm doing great! Jonathan unfortunately couldn't get baptized because last minute he got called in to work and if he didn't go they would have fired him. That's been one of the hardest struggles here. People have to work on Sundays or they don't have jobs. But he is getting baptized tomorrow! He told his boss last week that this week he won't be able to work because it's "the week for God. He has important things to do". It was so funny and it just showed how much he has really changed. You will have to meet the crazy Dominican Jonathan when you come. He's great, and someone I have put a lot of time and love into. 

Things are going strong here still in castellón. This last weekend we had the festival of choirs in was awesome!! I got to see EVERYONE again! It really made me feel good that people still remembered me from Valencia (even though when I first arrived in Valencia I didn't speak a lick of Spanish haha). It was a big party and there were so many besos haha. I got to see Mama Africa and the Mambos and Obispo and everyone. Rosemary and Manuel moved back to Bolivia so I didn't get to see them. It was fun though to see how much everyone has grown and how much I have changed. They all commented on my Spanish so I'm hoping that's a good sign. It seems like just yesterday I was there though. They all said "wow how fast the time goes!" I was like "you're telling me"! It was great though and a fun little last hoorah!

The mission is still incredible. I wouldn't trade this time for anything. Every day I learn more and every minute I see blessings in my life. If any youth are reading this and trying to decide if they should serve a mission I would say, "DO IT". Its incredible. Yes its hard and there's a lot of tears, but it's worth it to see the change you can make in someones life. And it's worth the change you can make in your own life. Pray and search with real intent and I promise the Lord will guide you on where you need to go and what you need to do. Don't be afraid to take a leap of faith :)

Well not much else is going on. Its cold and raining here too. And Christmas is coming!!! Love you all. Stay warm and remember that the most important gift you will ever get came not in a box or from the internet; it came in a humble stable. Christ is the best gift you can receive. Give back this Christmas.

Alright enough of my missionary speech! love you all and laugh and smile often!

con amor,
Hermana Barker

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