Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Only 4 weeks left ......

WEEK #73
Well first off, FELIZ NAVIDAD or BON NADAL in Catalan :) I really can't believe that a whole year has passed already! It's insane to think that a year ago I was just starting to get the hang of the mission thing and of the spanish language and now I'm trying to prepare myself to come home. It's incredible how time flies and how many blessings and miracles I have seen in this last year. Christmas really is an incredible time of year. I love being home with my family and spending time together, but I think I have finally learned what Christmas really is, here on the mission. I have finally spent a Christmas as Christ would have; in the service of others, and let me tell you it's incredible. Christmas in the mission is hard of course, but it's so rewarding to bring families closer together and to see the joy on people's faces from something so small as brownies or a Christmas carol. It has really opened my eyes to the true meaning of Christmas.

Well I know that this week has probably been a crazy one at home getting everything ready and making plans. It's been crazy here too. It's incredible how many blessings the Lord was holding out on until my last 6 months of the mission! Maybe it was just because now I'm finally ready for them. We had the opportunity to finally see Jonathan enter the waters of baptism...and let me tell you it was incredible! I have been fighting with him (or for him) for 5 months now. All it took was a change of heart. He is incredible. He is facing hardships right now from all his friends who tell him he's crazy for joining the cult, but he is so proud to be a member of the church. He tells everyone! It's so cute to hear him talk about how much the church has helped him find real happiness. Just last night he said, "I'm just so happy you know?? and I don't understand because I have like no friends anymore and I do nothing at night, but I'm just so happy and I can't deny it! I smile all the time!" it was so cute! It's been a Christmas miracle that's for sure!

We also had my last zone conference yesterday and it was definitely bitter sweet. There are a few people in my zone leaving with me in January and it was a hard time for us. At the very end of the conference President Pace goes around and shakes everyone's hands. When it was my turn, like always, he had tears in his eyes and said, "Hermana Barker you have had a great mission. Your Heavenly Father is proud of you and I will never forget you." I just lost it and another Hermana and I just cried. All the Elders were making fun of me, but I didn't care! I know I'm going to just be a mess when I say goodbye to people, so just get ready for lots of tears!

This week was a special week and they are just going to keep coming. I got to sing in the zone conference and also in the primary program.  It was so fun to be back in the primary again for a day. It made me really miss my sunbeams who are no longer sunbeams at all!! I know these next four weeks are going to fly by. I can't wait to talk to you all in two days..I don't really know what I'm going to say, but just get ready for some screams when I see Mason!

Have a great Christmas and remember to share the gift we have been given. Love you all and see you very soon! Get ready to help me out of my awkwardness that I know is going to pass.

Hermana Barker

ps tell Brother Rutledge thank you so much for the Christmas card. That was very thoughtful of him! And tell everyone else thank you for the support and love. Tell grandma and grandpa bob thank you for the oreos...they know me sooo well :)

Ward Christmas party.  We were Mrs Claus and an elf. We did Rudolf in a rap with beatbox with the Elders in our district.

This brother makes paella for all the missionaries every Christmas and it is the best paella!

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