Monday, January 5, 2015

WEEK #75
Wow what a strange feeling! I only have one more email to send you until I see you in person!! Can you believe that because I sure can't! I just received an email from Hermana Porter. She was my companion in Martorell and she is from my same group. She just got home because she has to start school and her email made me laugh. She said "Stay in Spain!" It was funny. It's all starting to be real every day. We are now making mission plans for February and it's starting to freak me out!! We have been talking a lot about New Year's goals and everyone talks about things they want to do in the mission and I'm making plans and goals for what I want to do at home...but don't ask me what those goals are because I'm still trying to figure them out!

I hope all of you had a great Christmas and new year season. We felt the love of the members here. They fed us a lot! But that should be no surprise anymore...I don't want to hear any chub jokes when I get home alright?! :) I still can't believe that you all are going to come and get to meet the people who I have come to love so much. I have been making plans with everyone and they are all excited, and so am I of course. This last week we had my final zone focus (a meeting with the missionaries of the Valencia zone) and I had to give my 5 minutes of what the Lord has taught me. Let's just say I did really well...until the end when I broke down like a little girl. This whole mission thing has really made me a softy...get ready for some tears when I get home, both happy and sad ones. As I was thinking about what to say, it was hard to find only 5 minutes of what I have learned. This year and a half has been one of so much growth and learning, both personal and relationships with other people. It's incredible how much I still had to learn and still have to learn in the future...we really are never done learning. 

Well the truth is I don't have much for you all. I'm sorry for Tay and Court who have finals...I don't miss that at all, but I totally know how they feel when I try to study this book that I got for present ever :)  I'm working on it though. Let's just all pray hard that the test goes well because I think the only thing that's going to help me is the power of God. 

I'm doing great and am happy as always. The work is moving and every day is something new. I have become so close to these members here in Castellón. It's going to be hard to leave them, but I'm ready to start the next chapter in life (or I'm just trying to tell myself that so maybe it won't be as hard). I'm really excited to see all of you though and especially to hug and kiss little baby Mason!!! I'm going to speak to him in spanish all day so that when he gets older we can have secrets together!!! Get ready Mason here I come!!

Sorry this is kinda short and boring...I'm not really sure what else I have for you all. all folks

Love you all!!
Hermana Barker

 Priscilla leaves on her mission this Tuesday!! She's going to be a great missionary. At her farewell her mom spoke and ! just started to cry because it reminded me of what mom said to me. She said the same things about how she knows there is no better place that Priscila could be now than on a mission and of course she's going to miss her, but she knows that it's right for her right now. It always gets me when I hear moms talk about their daughters on missions. I just always think about my own mom telling stories about me and I just feel so special. LOVE YOU MOM!
New Years in Castellon


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