Monday, January 5, 2015

WEEK #74
Well truth is I don't really have anything new for you all. (normal considering we just talked like 3 days ago). Christmas was good. It was much quieter than last year, but it was nice to just be calm and spend time with some of the families here. We got invited to do Secret Santa with the JAS (single adults) in our ward and that was fun. It was weird to be at a JAS activity as a missionary, but it was nice of them to include us. It's weird because I've been here so long in Castellón that I am starting to feel just like another member, but with a very different life. It's fun though because I feel so at home and so accepted. I feel like I can ask anyone for help and they would all be willing to help at the drop of a hat. There is nowhere else I would have liked to end my mission but here in Castellón.

Skype was definitely very different from the other times. I just don't know what really to say to you all because all I have to talk about is the mission and I don't want to bore you. Sorry if it was boring. It was the highlight of my week though to see Mason, even if he cried when he saw my face! I'm telling myself it was his way of telling me he just can't wait to see me and he gets emotional thinking about no worries. :)

Well really I don't have much for you. I have my last reunion with my zone this week where I have to share what I have learned...I already am planning on crying because I know I will! Yesterday we ate with Priscilla. She is leaving in 10 days to go on a mission to Madrid. We were talking about missionary life and I started to cry! The truth was that I was really just jealous of her because she has a whole year and a half ahead of her to have these experiences. I'm really excited for her though and I know she is going to do great things out there in Madrid!

OH the best surprise of the Christmas was that Sara Arce from Tarragona came here to surprise me!! She got in on Friday afternoon and came out with us all weekend to our citas! It was so fun to be with her! She has been a great support and she brought me lots of chocolates...what more do I need?? It was a great surprise and we had so much fun being missionaries together. Her brother served here as well so he got to come get her and I got to see Elder Arce again. The cutest part was when she said thanks for letting her do her missionary service because being a real missionary would be hard. I just laughed and agreed that it is hard, but it's worth it.

Missionary Stocking and Christmas gift from Sara
Well I wish you all a happy New Year. One of the things we have been doing this week is we have invited everyone to make two goals: a spiritual goal and a personal goal; but not just to make the goals, but also make the steps needed to accomplish those goals. I want to invite you all as well to do the same. Whether its reading the scriptures every day or working out 4 times a week. Think about something you want to change and actually DO IT!! love you all and ill see you soon! Can't believe I only have 2 emails left!!!! it's crazy!!

con amor
Hermana Barker

Hermana Barer and Maria

Hermana Barker and Hermana Solos

Christmas dinner with Melani, Shirli, Ana and Maria

Rachel got to Skype with Rita, her friend from Castellon who is a missionary in Chili.

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